“笑猫和马小跳”拼音版系列 Smiling Cat and Ma Xiaotiao

Suitable for Ages 3-5 

*Chinese audiobook version licensed worldwide.

Publication Date: June 2021

Pages: 147-150  | Words: 87K  |List Price: 29.8RMB

Yang Hongying’s Diary of a Smiling Cat Series has been selling well for 15 years and has sold more than 80 million copies; Ma Xiaotiao has become a “national icon” and has been on the big screen, becoming an unforgettable “friend” for tens of millions of children. For the first time, the two IPs have jointly created a road for children to read happily and independently.

This series combines the two best-selling books of the “Diary of a Smiling Cat” series and the “Mo’s Mischef” series to form a brand-new story. It revolves around the lives of Smiling Cat and Ma Xiaotiao, which is in line with the reading psychology of the first to second grade of elementary school. The full text is marked with pinyin, suitable for children who are new to reading.

《会笑的猫》A Cat That Can Smile

Smiling Cat is a cat with wisdom and thinking. He can understand people’s words and express his feelings with a variety of smiles. He is Ma Xiaotiao’s cousin Du Zhenzi’s beloved cat, but he annoyed Du Zhenzi’s mother, was kicked out of the house, and since then embarked on the road of living alone.

Fortunately, Ma Xiaotiao and his friends are always at his side. They fly kites, go on a picnic together, and prepare an ingenious birthday present for Du Zhenzi. In the days of innocence and happiness, Ma Xiaotiao learned to love and be grateful, and Smiling Cat successfully opened a new chapter in “cat” life.

《秘密山洞》A Secret Cave

Although he was kicked out of the house, Smiling Cat was accompanied by friends, quickly adapted to life outside. Old Mouse gave Smiling Cat his “Summer Palace”-the secret cave, and Smiling Cat has a brand new home from then on.

The kind-hearted Smiling Cat found that there was a monkey abducted into the city in the park. The monkey charmers are very bad to the monkeys and regard the monkeys as a tool for making money. Smiling Cat and the children decided to rescue the monkey and bring him to live in a secret cave.

Will their “Save the Monkey” plan go well?

《送猴子回家》Send The Monkey Home

A monkey joined Ma Xiaotiao’s family. He was rescued from the monkey charmer by Smiling Cat and children. He wanted to become a human being and made a series of jokes in Ma Xiaotiao’s house-monkey bathing, monkey reading, and monkey taking pictures…

The monkey and the children had a great time. Because of the monkey’s arrival, they also tasted many weird things-ginger cola and barbecued fruit. However, happy days are always short. Monkeys bring them happiness and hidden dangers. They decided to send the monkey back to the great forest far away.

熊猫日记(Panda’s Diary Series)

Suitable for Ages 3-5 

English translation available

English-Chinese bilingual version available.

*AR book version licensed.

Publication Date: November 2019

Format: 20.8*20.5*0.3 | Pages: 32 | Words: 500 | List Price: 12RMB

Pandas are one of the most representative characters of China and one of the most recognizable Chinese images. Yang Hongying uses vivid and easy to understand language and the series is beautifully illustrated, with very cute images of animals and characters so that children all over the world could be inspired by her work.

“Panda’s Diary” is a series of enlightenment picture books specially designed for preschool children. The hero of the story is a Chinese giant panda named Mimi. Panda Mimi has a pair of eyes with which he can see any details. He discovers the beauty and secret of the nature in the four seasons, increasing his knowledge and improving his ability to survive. By following the story of Mimi, children can improve their cognitive ability, imagination ability, analytical ability, and judgment ability.

“This was amazing. I rarely buy picture books written by a Chinese author. I bought this set of books and read along with my baby. I feel that he likes them very much. The pictures in the book look very vivid and real.”—-Review From Douban ID天***风

First Season: The Story of Spring

《我是中国大熊猫》I am Panda from China

Panda is the rare animal in the world, the national treasure of China and the ambassador of international friendship. All children like pandas very much. As for me, I am panda Mimi and I like bamboo best. Hey, kids, welcome to my diary.

《醒来了》Woke Up

There were peals of thunder in the sky, which made panda Mimi feel very frightened. At this time, frog Guagua was awakened by the thunder and jumped out of his hole by the stream. He told panda Mimi not to be afraid, it is the spring thunder, the spring is coming, and all the hibernating animals will wake up.

《花儿朵朵开》Blooming Flowers

The mellow spring comes, panda Mimi and frog Guagua come out to admire the flowers: the winter jasmine ushers in the spring; the endless rape flowers strtch to the edge of the field; and magnolia flower come into leaf after blossoming! Oriental cherry blossoms! Peach flower blossoms! Pear flower blossoms!

《从小长大》Grow Up

Panda Mimi and frog Guagua go swimming in the river together. They meet a group of small tadpoles, and frog Guagua tells Mimi that he was a small tadpole when he was a child. Mimi is very surprised. And Guagua is also very surprised that Mimi said that he looked like a little mouse when he was born.

《吃得饱,长得好》Eat Well and Grow Well

Panda Mimi likes to eat bamboo, especially small bamboo- bamboo shoots! What other animals like to eat? Frogs like to eat pests in the field; birds like to eat bugs; squirrels in pinewood like to eat pine cones; tigers in the moutains like to eat meat; what about Baobao and Beibei? They like to drink milk and have meals, as well as fruits and vegetables.

《我爱我家》I Love My Family

There is a big tree in the bamboo forest, and a tree hole under the tree. It is the home of panda Mimi and his mother. Where are homes of other little friends? Birds live in the tree, ants live under the ground, big sharks live in the sea, and Baobao and Beibei live in the building, which is full of warm and love.

《漂亮衣服》Beautiful Clothes

Panda Mimi is not afraid of the cold as he wears a thick black & white pattern clothes, so do the zebras; leopard wears beautiful and colorful clothes; hedgehog has no beautiful clothes, but his clothes is his weapon. What about Baobao and Beibei? They wear different clothes at all seasons.

《清明节》Qingming Festival

Today is April 5, the Qingming Festival. The mellow spring is suitable for spring outing. Panda Mimi accompanies frog Guagua to visit the grave of his mother. They see people flying kites, swinging, planting saplings at the Qingming Festival. Baobao and Beibei eat delicious wild vegetables steamed bun on the day.

《比赛冠军》Game Winner

Spring is just in time, frog Guagua is going to participate in high jump and long jump, so Mimi practices with him every day. The day of the game comes, athletes from all over the world gather together. Cheetah runs fast and wins the spring championship. Elephant uproots the big tree and wins the Hercules chanpionship. Competitors of Frog Guagua are powerful, can he win the championship?

《我想上幼儿园》I Want to Go to Kindergarten

Panda Mimi wants to know how human spend their childhood, so he and frog Guagua go to kindergarten with Baobao and Beibei. There are many children in the kndergarten. They happily sing and play games together. Baobao and Beibei love to go to kindergarten, and panda Mimi also wants to go to kindergarten.

Second Season: The Story of Summer

《唱歌晚会》Singing Party

On summer nights, the stars are shining brightly, and the animals are going to hold a singing party in the lotus pond. The chorus of frogs, the loud solo of larks, the singing of nightingales, the dance of snakes, and the parrot singing make this summer night very lively.

《端午节》Dragon Boat Festival

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Panda Mimi and Frog Guagua down the mountain. They see the fragrance of wormwood hanging on the door of each house, and everyone is wearing sachets. Adults use realgar to draw the Chinese character “king(王)” on children’s foreheads, and every household makes Zongzi (traditional Chinese rice-pudding) to eat. People also hold a dragon boat race on this day.

《儿童节》Children’s Day

Today is Children’s Day. Panda Mimi and Frog Guagua come to the city early in the morning to celebrate Children’s Day with the children. At the gate of the park, they meet Baobao and Beibei. Mimi and Guagua take the tumbling train, eat a delicious rainbow cake, and go to a puppet show. Together with the children, they have a happy Children’s Day.

《光荣的大红花》Glorious Big Red Flower

Frog Guagua eats pests in the fields every year from morning to night. He is a glorious “pastoral guard”. Woodpeckers eat pests from harm trees and they are famous “tree doctor”. Cats are catching mice, dogs are watching the door, cows are plowing the ground, and people cannot do without these animals. They are closely related to human life. And “I”, a Chinese giant panda, is the friendly messenger of the Chinese people and the people around the world.

《好好吃的蔬菜》Delicious Vegetables

Frog Guagua takes Panda Mimi to the vegetable garden to see the vegetables that people plant and eat. They saw tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and other delicious vegetables. When returning from the vegetable garden to Guagua’s home, the pond was full of beautiful lotus flowers.

《好好吃的水果》Delicious Fruit

In the hot summer, the fruits are ripe. The emerald green watermelon, bright red strawberry and orange loquats are delicious and beautiful! Panda Mimi and Frog Guagua come to the peach grove and the pear grove. The peach trees and pear trees in different seasons look different. When Mimi and Guagua come under the grape racks, the grapes of different colors taste different. Grapes can be made into raisins and can also be made into wine.


The weather is sultry and hot, Mimi leaned on a big tree to sleep, Frog Guagua tells him that it is going to rain-the fish jumped on the water, the ants moved on the hillside, the red dragonfly flew very low… The sky is getting darker and darker, and there is a rumbling of thunder. As soon as Mimi and Guagua hide in the cave, it starts to rain heavily.

《妈妈,我爱您》Mom I Love You

Today is Mother’s Day, and the little foxes and birds are back to celebrate Mother’s Day for their mothers; the chicks sing grateful songs to express their love for their mother; the calf uses carnations to make a beautiful wreath to mother; the kindergarten teacher is teaching the children to make love cards, and the children give the cards made by themselves to their dear mothers. Panda Mimi will also go home to celebrate Mother’s Day for his mom.

《我们从哪里来》Where Are We From

The giant panda is a viviparous animal, and the Panda Mimi comes from his mother’s belly; the frog is an oviparous animal, and Frog Guagua comes from the “small bubbles” that the mother frog lays in the water. Some of the animals in nature are viviparous and some are oviparous, which is really amazing! So, where do people come from?

《我喜欢你》I Like You

Although Ant Xiaoxiao is very small, he likes tall and big animals. He likes giraffes and elephants. He wanted to tell them what he was saying, but he didn’t succeed. Ant Xiaoxiao met Panda Mimi, he crawled and crawled, Ant Xiaoxiao crawled into Mimi’s ear and told him the best word.

男生日记(Diary of a Boy)

Suitable for ages 8-15

English translation available

Publication Date: Aug 2019 (latest version)

Format: 21*16*2 | Pages: 258 | WORD: 165K | List Price: 29.8RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

Diary of a Boy, a sequel to Girl’s Diary, records Wu Mian’s wonderful and unforgettable summer life after graduation: he joined his father on a journey to Tibet. In addition to this new and exciting adventure, he has also completed a spiritual conversation between a man and a boy.

Yang Hongying succeeded in shaping Wu Meng’s image of a small but manly boy with personality, responsibility and adventurism, especially highlighting the most valuable qualities of a charming boy: humor and creativity. 

Yang noted, “I especially hope that the boys will learn to respect girls by reading through Girl’s Diary. Because girls who read Girl’s Diary all like the boy Wu Mian in the story, they hope to read more stories of this charming boy, so I wrote this Boy’s Diary for girls and boys.”

“There is a nice little boy: it was written about Wu Mian, which everyone likes in Ms. Yang’s other books, and I can’t help but read it again. Haha, the author has created a perfect little boy.”—-From Douban ID 真心真意

女生日记(Diary of a Girl)

Suitable for ages 8-15

English translation available

Publication Date: Aug 2019 (latest version)

Format: 21*16*2 | Pages: 284 | WORD: 180K | List Price: 29.8RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

This is a beautifully written diary and exceptionally popular with girls. It uses a diary form that directly reflects the child’s heart. It vividly records the physiological changes and psychological changes of the sixth-grade girl, Ran DongYang, who grew up from a young girl to a young adult. Yang portrays girl’s desire to grow up and fear growing up with warm words. While focusing on path of growth, this book can lead the growth in a subtle way, helping children to naturally pass through this sensitive and important period from childhood to adolescence. 

Madam Yang commented that her idea came from her consciousness of her daughter’s growth, “I was pleasantly realized that after a few days of schooling, my daughter is a sixth-grade girl. She is about to say goodbye to her childhood and is about to grow from a little girl to a girl. As a woman, this is a very important and beautiful stage in life! I want to pay attention to my daughter’s growth with all my body and mind. I use my pen to truly record the beautiful process of her life and record every day she grows up.” It is known as the “Enlightenment of Modern Girls’ Growth”.

At the beginning, I read this book because it is written by Yang Hongying. After reading the first chapter, I feel the character and story is so close to our real lives. After reading the book, I feel deeply moved. Every sentence is like a trickle. The stream flows to my heart. The most important thing is that I have a better understanding of puberty!—-From Douban ID 花落若相惜

成长系列(Growing Up Trilogy)

Suitable for ages 8-15 

Publication Date: Aug 2019 (latest version)

Format: 21*16*3 | Pages: 226-300 | WORD: 144-206K | List Price: 29.8RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

“Growing up” Series has won many awards and national recognition: A Beautiful Teacher and Naughty Boys from Grade 5 Class 3 won the National Best Seller Award in 2004, and was listed in “China New Century Education Library-100 Kinds of Recommended Reading Books for Primary School Students.

Communication from Heart: Aunty Yang can communicate with our children heart-to-heart, which is rare among parents now. I think not only children can read the book, but also our parents should take a look at them.—-By Douban ID 生活无邪

I think it is better for primary and middle school students to read this book, especially girls. And this book is not an exaggeration, it seems that these things happen around us. I think it is worth reading!—-By Douban ID 雨后初晴

Naughty Boy from Grade 5 Class 3

In this work, Yang Hongying sincerely and enthusiastically praised the child’s kindness and authenticity by describing a series of story of several boys in a happy campus, implicating heart-to-heart respect for children, calling for adults to give children enough free growth space for their own secrets.

Beautiful Teacher

Through the character of youthful and bright and intelligent teacher of Milan, the author has created a modern-conscious teacher image and has integrated her deep thinking about education: What kind of teacher is a good teacher? Is the relationship between the teacher and the student equal? In the book, the teacher’s new education concept of “taking human care in the first place” brings profound enlightenment to parents and teachers.

Tomboy DaiAn

DaiAn has a mysterious life experience. She and her unmarried mother lived together, and her father only appeared in her imagination. Tomboy DaiAn is a psychological novel depicting the growth of a girl. Warmth and humor are still the keynote of Yang Hongying’s works.

笑猫日记 (Xiao Mao Ri Ji)

Suitable for Ages 6-12

Publication Date: May2006-Sep2020

Format: 18.8*14.7*1 | Pages: 157-180 | WORD: 70K

List Price: 20RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese, Korean, and English translation (published by Harper Collins, expired and rights available).

The series was first published in 2006, there are a total of 27 titles in this series. Almost every title in the series reached the top of the bestseller list.

Diary of a Smiling Cat was recognized as:

  • 2014 the gold award of World Copyright Works by WIPO,
  • 2010 Most Beloved 50 Books
  • 2009 Most Meaningful Book to Read, announced by CCTV,
  • 2010 Second Government Award for The Black Afternoon,
  • The second of Chinese Excellent Publication Award,
  • Annual Best Children’s Book Award in China for 3 consecutive years
  • An excellent reading material recommended by Chinese government,
  • The 8th Copyright Excellent Book Award of China, and
  • Selected into the second “Three 100 Original Book Publishing” project of China Press And Publication Administration

The series chronicles the adventures of a talking pet cat and features characters from Mo’s Mischief. This is a fairytale in the form of a dairy and with a laughing cat as the narrator. The series creates a wonderful literary world of animals and children, which combines fantasy and reality. It encourages them grow happily but to cherish a beautiful feeling and faith towards society and the future.”

Diary of a Smiling Cat series has a continuous relationship with the Mo’s Mischief series, but it is completely different in artistic style and aesthetic connotation. The series chronicles the adventures of a talking pet cat and features characters from Mo’s Mischief. This is a fairytale based on the real lives of Chinese children, in the form of a fairy and with a laughing cat as the narrator. The series creates a wonderful literary world of animals and children, which combines fantasy and reality. It directs the children to think about basic values regarding life, human nature, and density while they are happily reading. It encourages them grow happily but always to cherish a beautiful feeling and faith towards society and the future.

  1. 保姆狗的阴谋The Intrigue of the Nurse Dog
  2. 塔顶上的猫The Cat on the Top of the Tower
  3. 想变成人的猴子The Monkey Who Wanted to be Human
  4. 能闻出孩子味儿的乌龟The Tortoise Who Can Smell the Scent of a Child
  5. 幸福的鸭子The Happy Duck
  6. 虎皮猫,你在哪里Where Are You, Tabbly Cat
  7. 蓝色的兔耳朵草The Blue Rabbit-ear Grass
  8. 小猫出生在秘密山洞Kittens Born in a Secret Cave
  9. 樱桃沟的春天Spring in Cherry Valley
  10. 那个黑色的下午The Black Afternoon
  11. 灵魂出窍的猪An Out-of-the-body Pig
  12. 球球老老鼠Round-ball Old Mouse
  13. 绿狗山庄Green Dogs Village
  14. 小白的选择The Choice of Little White Dog
  15. 孩子们的秘密乐园Children’s Secret Paradise
  16. 西瓜小丑The Forever Watermelon Clown
  17. 寻找黑骑士Looking for Black Knight
  18. 会唱歌的猫Singing Cat
  19. 从外星球来的孩子The Child Coming from Another Planet
  20. 云朵上的学校The School on the Clouds
  21. 青蛙合唱团The Chorus of Frogs
  22. 转动时光的伞The Umbrella that Turns Time
  23. 樱花巷的秘密Secret of Cherry Blossom Alley
  24. 又见小可怜Meeting the Pathetic Again
  25. 属猫的人 Born in the Year of Cat
  26. 幸运女神的宠儿 Lucky Girl
  27. 戴口罩的猫 The Cat Wearing Mask

Children can always comprehend the truth in books. As the saying goes: Books are the best teacher for children! This is because children always imagine that they are the people in fairy tales. This is a series specially written for children, allowing children to be free in the fairy tale world. So I think is a must-read book for kids!—-From Douban ID 千方百计

淘气包马小跳 (Mo’s Mischief series/Naughty Boy Ma Xiaotiao)

Suitable for Ages 6-12

Publication Date: 2003-2021

Format: 21*16 | Pages: 170-200 | WORD: 85K | List Price: 28RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese, The Korean copyright was sold and English translation was published by Harper Collins (expired and rights available).

Mo’s Mischief series is one of Yang Hongying’s most popular works first published in 2003.Mo’s Mischief series is one of Yang Hongying’s most popular works first published in 2003. Suitable for ages 6-12, the character of Mo has become one of the most recognizable children’s characters in twenty-first-century China. The series contain a total of 29 titles.

Mo’s Mischief, a series of short stories about a typically considered the troublemaker in class, Ma Xiaotiao, who often gets into trouble with his teacher and class monitor. However, Ma Xiaotiao is generally a very sociable person; he is honest, trustworthy, and helpful and has an avid imagination. The plots mainly feature special events or stories about him and his friends are it at home, in school, or anywhere else.

Mo’s Mischief series has been repeatedly adapted in China into films, TV series, cartoons, musicals, stage plays, puppet shows, comics and other art forms. Mostly commonly known TV series was adapted to 200 episodes in 2008. The character of Mo has become one of the most recognizable children’s characters in twenty-first-century China. Mo has been along with a number of children grow up together, become their beautiful childhood memories.

Titles in Novel and Comic Format:

  1. 贪玩老爸Playful Dad
  2. 轰隆隆老师 Thunder
  3. 笨女孩安琪儿Angel
  4. 四个调皮蛋Four Troublemakers
  5. 同桌冤家Teacher’s Pets
  6. 暑假奇遇Pesky Monkeys
  7. 天真妈妈Best Mom Ever
  8. 漂亮女孩夏林果Best Friends
  9. 丁克舅舅Super Cool Uncle
  10. 宠物集中营Pet Parade
  11. 小大人丁文涛Class Genius
  12. 疯丫头杜真子Daisy
  13. 寻找大熊猫Looking for the Panda
  14. 巨人的城堡Giant’s Castle
  15. 超级市长Super Mayor
  16. 跳跳电视台Mo’s TV Station
  17. 开甲壳虫车的女校长The Schoolmistress Who Drives Beetle Car
  18. 名叫牛皮的插班生The Transfer Student Niu Pi
  19. 侦探小组在行动Detective Team is in Action
  20. 小英雄和芭蕾公主Little Hero and Ballet Princess
  21. 忠诚的流浪狗The Loyal Stray Dog
  22. 白雪公主小剧团The Snow White Troupe
  23. 孔雀屎咖啡Peacock Coffee
  24. 奔跑的放牛班Little Running Cowherd
  25. 唐家小仙妹The New Daughter of the Tang Family 
  26. 和鹦鹉对话的人The Person Who Talks To The Parrot
  27. 樱桃小镇(彩色插图果麦版)The Cherry Town
  28. 妈妈我爱你 Mom, I love you!
  29. 七天七夜 Seven Days and Nights 

My son was generally resistant to pure text novels, but he couldn’t wait to reading all of the 21 books. I also read a few with curiousity. They captured the child’s emotions. It is recommended to children in the upper grades of elementary school. It is very interesting.—–By Douban ID 微笑

性情童话“亲爱的笨笨猪”系列(6本)Dear Silly Pig Series

Suitable for Ages 3-8

*licensed: Simplified Chinese 

Publication Date: Jan 2017

Format: 21*16.1*1 | Pages: 121 | | List Price: 18RMB

Yang Hongying’s fairy tales are humorous, or ghostly and exquisite. Love and friendliness flow always between the lines. They inspire children with emotional intelligence education theme, which could be well received by children from all over the world with age 3-8.

There is a little pig, he is very silly. He has a nickname Silly Pig but he lives happier than anyone else. He brings happiness to others. He is a lively and cheerful, simple and kind, helpful and popular piglet. This series of books offer children’s emotional intelligence education, including stories about honesty, kindness, tolerance, dedication and sincerity in order to build good habits, character and quality of development for children.

“A good fairy tale series! The author, Yang Hongying, knows what kind of stories the children like, even when I was reading this book with my younger brother; I was attracted unconsciously. The Silly Pig looks dull, but in fact he is generous, kind and cute. His honesty and kindness also run through the whole book. This fairy tale has many hilarious stories, many characters with distinctive personalities, and it also establishes correct values for the children, which is the most precious.” —By Douban ID 台风呀

乖乖熊的生日会The Birthday Party of Poppet

It tells the story of the bear Guaiguai’s birthday. Cat Mimi picked flowers, dog Wagwang made a poem, the white rabbit sisters picked mushrooms. However, Silly Pig really can’t think of anything good, so he decided to help mother bear on preparation. At the birthday party, Silly Pig is hungry. He ate all the cream mushrooms and was accidentally poisoned. Silly Pig said a word, let everyone moved.

春天的野餐Picnic Party in Spring

Silly Pig was too excited to fell asleep when he was going to have a picnic by the lake with his little friends. He prepared a big basket of food to share with his friends. But on the picnic day, only greedy red fox come, other friends are missing.

会跳舞的尾巴A Dancing Tail

It tells the story of a talent show in the happy village, the residents show their own skills — poetry reading, figure skating, aerobics, singing and so on. Finally, Silly Pig and his best friend Bear Guaiguai appear on the stage. One of them beats the drum and the other dances with his tail. Finally their performance is certainly striking.

装满歌声的罐子A Jar Filled with Songs

The story is about an shapeless, odorless, weightless object that keep the animals warm in the cold of winter. What’s that? That’s the song of a frog in a small jar of Silly Pig. No matter who you are, just stick your ear into the little jar, and you will hear the frog singing, and you will be happy…

你好,小灰狼Hello, Little Wolf

It tells the story of Silly Pig and his friends are afraid of the big grey Wolf, but they are not afraid of the little grey Wolf, and warmly greet the little grey Wolf. Not only that, they also prepared a big meal for the hungry Wolf. The Wolf was so moved that he decided to make friends with the Silly Pig. Later, Silly Pig and his friends sent food to the injured big Wolf. The Wolf was also moved…

鸡外婆的礼物The Presents of Chicken Granny

The book tells the story of the lovely seven chickens asked Silly Pig to bring some presents to grandma chicken. Silly pig promised them to be sure to bring them. After the chicken grandmother saw Silly pig, she warmly accepted all his gifts, even the gift that Silly pig prepared to give Qiaoqiao Pig’s mother but Silly Pig was so embarrassed……

杨红樱童话绘本(10本) Fairytale in Illustration

Suitable for Ages 3-5.
Fairytale in Illustration series is based on the short fairy tales with poetic and humanistic care writings, combined with illustration, forming an exquisite picture book series. The series offer young readers both literature and art experience while reading.

  1. 木耳The Wood Ear
  2. 粉红信封Pink Envelopes
  3. 寻找快活林Looking for the Happy Forest
  4. 梦屋The Dream House
  5. 荷叶上的晚餐Dinner on the Lotus Leaf
  6. 猫小花和鼠小灰Kitty Tabby and Mouse Grey
  7. 巧克力饼屋Chocolate Biscuit House
  8. 七个小淘气Seven Naughty Chicks
  9. 小红船儿摇呀摇The Little Red Boat
  10. 一片树叶两只蚂蚁One Leaf and Two Ants

杨红樱童话注音版(10本) Fairytale Series in Chinese

Suitable for Ages 6-8

Publication Date: Apr 2016

Format: 21.1*16*1 | Pages: 121 | | WORD: 50K | List Price: 18RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

“Fairytale Series in Chinese Pronunciation” offer small readers with beautiful text to perceive the eternal theme of the fairy tale world – “good” and “love”. In the rich childlike stories, children could be inspired by emotional intelligence education theme.

  1. 小蝌蚪成长记The Growth of Tadpoles
  2. 毛毛虫的天空Caterpillar’sSky
  3. 小人精的故事Story of An Elf
  4. 偷梦的影子Dream-Stealing Shadow
  5. 骆驼爸爸讲故事Story Time with Camel Dad
  6. 背着房子的蜗牛The Snail Who Carries the House
  7. 七个小淘气Seven Naughty Chicks
  8. 乖狐狸The Good Fox
  9. 会走路的小房子Little Walking House
  10. 鼹鼠妈妈讲故事Story Time with Mole Mum

Because I like Yang Hongying’s works and my children need to read extracurricular readings, I bought this set of Yang Hongying’s fairy tales in Chinese punctuation. The fairy tale is rich in content, exquisitely designed, and the text in the book is also very large. The punctuation version is barrier-free. What I like more is that the painting inside is really beautiful! It fits the content of a fairy tale! Seriously recommend! —By JingDong ID jd_187999rrd

科学童话“神犬探长”系列 Scientific Fairytale Series

Suitable for Ages 6-8

Publication Date: Jan2018

Format: 21*16*1 | Pages: 128 | WORD: 130K | List Price: 20RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

“Detective Dog” is a set of scientific fairy tales. The story revolves around a series of suspect cases solved by brilliant detective Dog and knowledgeable Dr. Frog.

  1. 森林迷案Forest Mystery
  2. 谁是小偷Who is the Thief
  3. 复仇女神The Goddess of Revenge
  4. 狂猫跳海The Crazy Cat who Jumped into the Sea
  5. 狐狸冤案Fox’s Injustice

It is a fairy tale that brings wisdom; it is science and full of fantasy! It’s worthy of being Yang Hongying’s book, really good! —By Douban ID 爱看书的小安安

科学童话“小蛙人漫游记”系列 Scientific Fairytale “Little Frog” Series

Suitable for Ages 6-8

Publication Date: Jan2019

Format: 21.1*16.1*1 | Pages: 128 | | List Price: 20RMB

*licensed: Simplified Chinese

“Little Frog” is a series of marine science fairy tales. Featuring the little frog, he tells the thrilling story of his three ocean companions he met, fish Boca, dolphin Lulu and turtle Rosie, exploring the mysteries of the sea.

  1. 了不起的鱼爸爸Great Fish Dad
  2. 带着武器的鱼 Fish with weapons
  3. 鱼医院 Fish Hospital
  4. 寻找美人鱼Looking for a mermaid
  5. 神奇的鱼妈妈Amazing mother fish

It is a fairy tale that brings wisdom; it is science and full of fantasy! It’s worthy of being Yang Hongying’s book, really good!—By Douban ID 爱看书的小安安

杨红樱童话集 Yang Hongying Fairytale Collection

Suitable for Ages 7-10

Publication Date: May-June 2020

Published by The Writers’ Publishing House

Format: 22*17 | Pages: 216-250 | Words: 115-155K | List Price: 38RMB

Yang Hongying’s fairy tales include representative novellas and short stories, including fairy tales, scientific fairy tales, etc. These fairy tales are humorous and delicate. Love and friendship are always between the lines. They are like beautiful little movies on paper.

The plot of the story is very and brings hope to young readers. These educational love stories sowed the seeds of kindness in the hearts of readers. These are gifts from Yang Hongying to young readers, worthy for lifetime treasures.

  1. 再见野骆驼 Goodbye Wild Camel
  2. 偷梦的影子 The Shadow who Steal Dreams
  3. 仙女蜜儿 Fairy Mi’er
  4. 流浪狗和流浪猫 Stray Dogs and Stray Cats
  5. 寻找美人鱼 Looking For Mermaid
  6. 没有尾巴的狼 Wolf without Tail
  7. 神犬探长 Detective Dog
  8. 毛毛虫的天空 Caterpillar’s Sky
  9. 神秘的女老师 Mysterious Female Teacher
  10. 亲爱的笨笨猪 Dear Silly Pig

杨红樱科学童话•我们的地球系列 Scientific Fairytales-Our Earth

Suitable for Ages 7-10

Publication Date: July 2020

Published by The Writers’ Publishing House

Pages: 688 | List Price: 128RMB

This series is a scientific, literary and interesting “Earth Walk” work created by Yang Hongying for kids. In 90 imaginative short stories, young readers can follow in the footsteps of the dog detective and Dr. Frog to solve strange cases in the forest, or roam the sea with the diving masters, the little frogman and the obituary Boka. You may experience the wonders of the underwater creatures. You can also follow boy Miqi and ostrich Baba to explore the desert and discover various wonders in the desert… In the reading, young readers will explore the mysteries of nature, feel the greatness of life, and recognize the importance of environment protection. 

The series including three volumes, Yellow Oriole Incident, Behemoth of the Arctic Ocean, and Desert Elf

杨红樱的作文课Yang Hongying's Essay Class

Suitable for Ages 7-14

Publication Date: July 2020

Pages: 688 | List Price: 128RMB

Yang Hongying’s Essay Class consists of 10 volume. In these 10 books, in addition to the author’s 10 essay lessons, it also contains a large selection of Yang Hongying’s original works, and teaches writing secrets from point to point. This is also the first time that Yang Hongying has taught writing skills and training in her work. The series accomplished the true meaning of writing in high-quality text reading, creating a new trend of reading and writing.

In the form of a large gathering of these celebrities, the popular characters in Yang Hongying’s works are divided into categories. It will bring a better reading experience to readers.

  1. 非常男生 Extraordinary Boy
  2. 非常小男生和小女生 Extraordinary Little Boys And Little Girls
  3. 非常爸爸 Extraordinary Dad
  4. 非常妈妈 Extraordinary Mother
  5. 非常老师 Extraordinary Teacher
  6. 非常女生 Extraordinary Girl
  7. 非常搭档 Extraordinary Good Partner
  8. 非常事件 Extraordinary Event
  9. 非常伙伴 Extraordinary Friend
  10. 非常榜样 Extraordinary Model

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